Web Developer I love what I do


Hi, I’m Macarena. Nice to meet you👋

Web Developer and Nutritionist. I studied Web Development at the Laboratoria bootcamp where I gained experience creating projects autonomously and collaboratively based on agile methodologies and pair programming. Thanks to my career as a Nutritionist I have been able to apply skills such as: critical thinking, collaborative work and effective communication to web development. I consider myself a person capable of adapting to any work team, with great curiosity and desire to continuously learn.

Languages & Dev Tools


Projects 🤓

project 1
  • HTML5
  • Javascript
  • CSS3
  • React JS
  • React Router
  • Git & GitHub

Restaurant App

Benito's Burger

  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Media Queries
  • Git & GitHub

Social Network App


project 3
  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Media Queries
  • Git & GitHub

Data Pokemon


Actually, I'm collaborating with